Michael Jackson - Gone Too Soon.mp3
Recent - UPDATE -- June 3, 2014
After my battle with Uterine Cancer, involving 4 rounds of
chemo and daily for 5 weeks - radiation I went into my scan hoping
it was all gone. But no such luck. Please read below reference
January 6th, 2014.
I today continue to take a hormone pill. Last scan showed
the tumor in the neck area had shrunk nearly in half due to the
hormone pill doing what it needs to do. What
awesome news. I got directed to continue the hormone pill,
come in for a check up this month (June) and in October
they will do a scan to see if the tumor has continued to
shrink, or better yet - BE GONE! I hope and I pray daily
for this and that nothing else is found. While I am considered
a high risk for cancer to return, again, one can only hope and
pray. If in October I can label myself a survivor, I will feel
all prayers have been answered. From then on I can only
hope for the best and live my life to the fullest. As far as how
I am feeling? I do feel real good but still am searching for
my energy I once had. My last chemo treatment was Nov 20th,
and I had hoped by now I would have gained more energy back.
I will continue to search for it and again, hope and pray!
Again, thank you all for being here for me.
Continued testing left me with this:
On January 6th, 2014
I was diagnosed with Metastatic
Endometrial cancer to a
supraclavicular lymph node
located in the left area of my neck.
My days of unknown are now upon me, I
will live each day to the fullest while I
try and maintain my hope, faith and
the will to remain strong ... while doctors
try to control if not cure this nasty disease within me.
Here is a link titled
It is a journal of many entries that I
have faithfully updated thru out my journey.
............... MY TREATMENT(S) ...............
I received Monday thru Friday 5 weeks of radiation and
then six rounds of chemo at 3 and 4 weeks apart.
My last chemo treatment was on
November 20th, 2013.
As of today (1-18-14) further
treatment will be a hormone-chemo pill
for 3 months in hopes to shrink the tumor.

A prayer for
those struggling ....
Dear Lord,
I am so grateful that you are bigger than my fears.
You are bigger than the anxious feelings that won't
seem to subside. You are with me (Isaiah 41:40.) You
are all-knowing and all-powerful. Because I know all
of this to be true, I will trust you and your perfect
plan. I make the choice right now to reject the
paralyzing feeling of fear so I can walk confidently
in the truth of your assurance. Calm my thoughts,
Father, and give me your peace in this moment.
~ Lysa Terkeurst
Not only should it be lived, but
it should be celebrated.