Frank Chacksfield - Over The Rainbow.mp3

And such a pretty view thru a old broken
window of Fall's beauty.

A bike left behind and apparently
no longer needed. Looks like someone parked it
in a hallway, perhaps of a apartment building
and just simply walked away.

The many, many books left behind. At
first I thought perhaps a library, but the doors
plainly point to the fact that this was a home.

I really like this color.

A true talent of animation by another in
this photo of the white flowers and butterfly's.

The plaids just fit Fall. Very pretty.

Who could pass up sampling each one of these
scoops? I say for sure, not me!

Who says teddy bears cannot enjoy Fall?
But no doubt he will patiently wait
for his/her owner to return.

Playing in leaves is for us humans
and our fur babies. Or are we playing hide
and seek perhaps. Too cute.

A neat decoration to fit the season.

And your cuteness for the day. My goodness,
I do love her neck scarf and of course
Teddy must have one too.

Another example of animation talent.
It just makes the picture. Love the old lamp.

Today I would like to include a poem that a friend
sent me. If you enjoy poetry - check it out. If you
would like to comment to Virginia, leave a
comment in my guest book and she can view
it there. Make sure and put it to her attention.

Fall Is
I must be
getting old...
I’ve sometimes
been told
that time
passes faster as we age
...that must
have been said by some wise sage!
For...ready or
not...Fall is here!
You can
actually feel it in the cooler air.
The leaves are
beginning to lose their green
and taking on
the prettiest colors I’ve ever seen.
I first noticed
the change along the highway...
the Sumacs were
already golden yellow yesterday.
Now...along the
banks Indian Creek...the Elms
are changing
colors to match them.
The Maximilian
Sunflowers are now in bloom,
and the fall
Amaryllis will be soon.
And the
Chrysanthemums in fall gardens
are flowers to
which I always look forward!
Yellow broom
weed flowers are beginning to appear,
but they seem
to be a bit late this year.
It could be
that the summer has beens so dry
that they
barely had enough moisture to get by.
Before long the
Chinaberries will join the parade,
dressed in
their bright yellows of every shade.
By then red
leaves on the Spanish Oaks will be vivid
...All these a
sight I will enjoy as long as I’m living!
So, since Fall
is definitely here,
I may as well
greet it with good cheer.
For...if I may
be so bold...
I can
still appreciate it all...even if I am

You took the time, thank you!

What a wonderful feeling
this can be!

Wishing you a nice weekend. We have
had the most beautiful and perfect
weather here in Ohio all week, and it
is to continue right thru the weekend.
Join me next week as we will bid the
month of September good-by
and welcome in the month of October.
And now till another time, be safe in
all you do. Be aware of everything and
everyone around you at all times. A
very good habit .... take care!

For those first time visitors - the below map shows the
locations of visitors!
WOW - look at all of you!
locations of visitors!
WOW - look at all of you!