Maximo Spodek LOVE IS BLUE.mp3

September 1—Labor Day (U.S.)
Peter J. Maguire, a labor union leader who in 1882 proposed a
celebration honoring the American worker.
At his suggestion, 10,000 workers held a parade in Union Square,
New York City, and followed it with political speeches, fireworks
, and a picnic. The date chosen was simply “convenient,”
according to Maguire, because it was midway between the
Fourth of July and Thanksgiving.
Although the day’s focus on organized labor has diminished over
the years, the legal holiday still marks the end of summer and
the traditional time for children to return to school.

I believe there is a daily need for one to be reminded
to live a life full of hope. Favorite quotations can
be inspirational positive reinforcement,
a source of encouragement , and
great reminders.

What a wonderful front porch this must have been.
The house looks like it may have been huge.

Have not figured out what this is.
Interesting however.

I do love sunflowers and Monarch butterflies.

Such a beautiful bird.

This picture turns my thoughts towards the season of Fall.
But let's dwell on the yummy here and not Fall quite yet.

What a cute picture. Such detail. Love the
old doctor's bag and that umbrella.
There is even a pocket watch on the
table. Too cute.

Pretty, pretty cups and they look like the
cup and saucer are attached.

A healthy snack, the almond. I have 7 every day. Buy the
roasted ones with dark chocolate on them.

And good night to this little beauty and her
cute pug puppy.

Below is our new addition to the family, Polly. I am sharing her growing
up on my Daily Dose. I hope you will enjoy viewing.
She only weighed one pound when we got her
on June 9th, 2014.

BELOW: Updated pictures of Polly of course, and beside it is a lantern made in 1922
according to the markings on the handle. Had to Google to find out how to find the
date. Had to sand off the paint on the right handle and low and behold, there was
the date. This lantern according to my Mom hung in the barn on our farm in my
earlier years .... I do not remember it. Mick worked on it, discovered two wicks in it,
had to pull one out. A little Dawn and water cleaned it up good and the globe
cleaned up like brand new. How neat to have this old item and thanks to Mom for
handing down something that has strong family ties and memories.

You took the time, thank you!

What a wonderful feeling
this can be!

I want to wish you all a very good
Thursday. I also want to let you know I will not
be publishing another page till Tuesday,
Sept 2nd. I wish you all a safe & good Labor Day
weekend. Join me next week won't you?
So long to August very soon and hello to
September/2014 next week.
And now till another time, be safe in
all you do. Be aware of everything and
everyone around you at all times. A
very good habit .... take care!

For those first time visitors - the below map shows
the location of visitors. Just look at all of you!
the location of visitors. Just look at all of you!