I believe there is a daily need for one to be reminded
to live a life full of hope. Favorite quotations can
be inspirational positive reinforcement,
a source of encouragement , and
great reminders.

You took the time, thank you!

What a wonderful feelingthis can be!

Many of you are asking how I am feeling. Thank you
all for asking. I do feel good these days aside from
not having my energy and strength fully back yet.
I continue to take the hormone/chemo pill and
will be re-scanned in October to see if the pill
has taken care of the small tumor that tested
positive in my neck area. Last scan showed it
half gone! So, praying that continues to work and
October will be good news for me. While I
continue to go thru remission, I look forward to
the day that I hopefully can title myself a
survivor. Thank you all again for the support in
many ways. Now, enough about me, here is
wishing you all a good day. Join me tomorrow
hopefully as I will welcome in the weekend.
For those first time visitors - the below map shows the
locations of visitors!
WOW - look at all of you!