What a neat idea with the M and M's.

Pink and yellow and some red. Unique looking
flower for sure.

Orange is such a showy color. I guess that is why
it is one of our Fall colors. Love it.
The smiles he gave so many people over so
many years is just totally priceless.
I believe there is a daily need for one to be reminded
to live a life full of hope. Favorite quotations can
be inspirational positive reinforcement,
a source of encouragement , and
great reminders.

You took the time, thank you!

What a wonderful feelingthis can be!

Wow, so glad to be back. Finally a little bit of
down time and I finally figured out my web host.
It was a change they had made and well, it is
a long frustrating explanation. Water under the
bridge and hopefully the page comes thru OK
for all of you .... I wish for you a good day!
For those first time visitors - the below map shows the
locations of visitors!
WOW - look at all of you!