Kenny G Yesterday.mp3
I believe there is a daily need for one to be reminded
to live a life full of hope. Favorite quotations can
be inspirational positive reinforcement,
a source of encouragement , and
great reminders.

Life's Challenges
Sometimes the world appears
To be spinning out of control.
Sometimes there seems to be no end
To the distressing news.
Sometimes it feels like troubles
Are being piled on top of troubles.
Sometimes it can look as if there
Could never be a way forward.
And yet, that way forward is always
As close as your next thought.
For no matter how difficult and discouraging
Life may have become, with each dawning moment,
A new world of positive possibilities opens up to you.
From the darkest depths of despair,
Hope does indeed grow and take flight.
Out of difficult situations, new strategies emerge
For creating real value and spreading life's goodness.
Remember that the future does not have to be
An extension of the past.
For you can act right now to create
That future out of the abundance of positive possibilities.
Life always has its challenges,
And those challenges are what enable you
To bring real value to life.
Whatever the circumstance,
Step boldly forward and
Choose to move the world positively ahead.
~Ralph Marston~

I have received many positive comments on
how much you enjoy it when I comment on
some of the pictures I post. I will continue to
do so now when time does allow. Just a
penny for my thoughts as the saying goes.

Now ... below is just one of the many notes of
appreciation I receive. After you read it, you
maybe will truly understand how much your
notes and comments mean to me and how
they sure do inspire me to continue my pages.
(Name of sender deleted for privacy.)
Good Morning: I am really enjoying your comments under the beautiful - meaningful
- wonderful pictures that you always show. No matter how bad I feel or how good I
feel - your pages bring joy into my life every single day and I Thank God for you and
the talents that you share. Every picture from the past allows me to think of what
might have been or what was. I always seem to remember another time or place
when you share these moments. Thank You Susan for all that you bring into my life.
I am running out of room where I tape your thoughts and sayings to one of my doors.
I think I told you that I am living in an Assisted Care Facility and I look forward to your
Daily Dose every day.
I see that you say you are doing OK. I sure hope that all your prayers (and ours)
have brought you better health and blessings into your life. Especially, because you
bring so much into my life. God Bless,

MMM? I wonder just what this structure was
used for? Perhaps a roadside food stand?
The little windows at the top are
interesting ....

And if these walls could talk, would a dentist
perhaps be able to tell a story or two? Maybe a
barber? And the item on the stand to the right
of the desk, what might that be and my
goodness, it is still plugged in! This one does
have me puzzled ....

Wow, for you musicians.

Looks like this young man is spending time with
a friend. How cute!

Two words: Summer goodness

You wonder what she is thinking about? The expression
on her face does make you wonder, or perhaps she is
just concentrating on the wonder of the sand.

More Summer refreshment, ahhhh ....

This room I love. The old sewing machine is a wonder and
the chest of drawers is beautiful. Made from cherry wood
perhaps? Would sure love to see what is hanging
above the desk/table.

Not sure to be happy or sad, but the k-9 does
look contented and probably glad the bath
is over perhaps?

You took the time, thank you!

What a wonderful feeling
this can be!

Thank you for stopping by today.
The best thing you can do for me is to please
share my pages with family, friends,
groups and organizations. Spread the
inspiration. I feel we all need more in
our lives today. Thank you so much.
And now till another time, be safe in
all you do. Be aware of everything and
everyone around you at all times. A
very good habit .... take care!

For those first time visitors - the below map shows the
locations of visitors!
WOW - look at all of you!
locations of visitors!
WOW - look at all of you!