Klaus Wunderlich - Red Roses For A Blue Lady.mp3


Here you will always find the American flag

waving and the American eagle flying.

Ready for some RED?!

I really like the way they made the roof

red and also outlined the front doors in

red. Of course the reindeer would be

enough to catch anyone's eye!

Maybe not abandoned, but old for sure.

How pretty!

Just love the way they have used a place mat

that appears to be wavy and a real


Not sure what these are, but they

sure look delicious and refreshing!


Pretty, pretty lady showing off that

beautiful red dress.

Here is your cuteness for the day. If you will look

closely, she has little leggings on and they appear

to match the little pin-flower on her dress.

Just love what folks do with "old" things.

Lime Sherbert Punch

1 bottle of Sprite (2-liter)

1 Bottle Ginger Ale (2-liter)

1 container of Lime Sherbert (approx 48-oz)

Combine all in a punch bowl and serve in

Mason Jar mugs for a added touch.

All of the below items are of great interest to me

and mean a lot. Please take the time to

read each one and make the animal site a

daily click. Thank you.

When the link comes up,
just send the email that pops up

You took the time, thank you!

 Not sure about any of the rest of you, but doesn't the music

today remind you of the music that they used to roller

skate too? I can just see my Mom and Dad on that floor

right now skating to this music.

Have a good one!!

Now, till another time, be safe in

all you do. Be aware of everything and

everyone around you at all times. A

very good habit .... take care!

Happy Trails to You

For those first time visitors - the below map shows the

locations of visitors!

WOW - look at all of you!