Enya - Fairytale.mp3
Proceed with a happy heart
But first, please read below ...
Thoughts & Quotes
Time ..... isn't it crazy how we can look back a year
ago and realize how much
everything has changed? The amount of people that
have left your life,
entered, and
stayed. The memories you won't forget and the
memories you wish you did. Everything.
It's crazy how all that happened
in just one year.
~ Unknown

You need to associate with people that inspire you,
people that
challenge you to rise
higher, people that make you better.
Don't waste your valuable time with people that
are not adding to your growth.
Your destiny is too important.
~Joel Osteen
The older you get, the more you realize
that it isn't about the material
things, or pride or ego.
It's about our hearts and
who they beat for.
~ Unknown
NOTE about the ads at the top of my pages,
because many of you ask ..... please read ..
They are placed there by me and are perfectly
safe to click on. I do benefit from each click,
so whether something interests you or not,
clicking will certainly not do any harm. Again,
I don't want any of you to think they will
lead to something harmful in any way.
I hope my words will ease any concerns.
Thank you for reading & clicking. :-)
Flowers Always
In Bloom Here

Abandoned Places N Things

House Mouse Today
My Favorite
Picks For Today

Checking In
With Maxine Today

The Recipe Corner
Stove Top Dressing
Meat Loaf
1 pound ground meat
2 eggs
1 box Chicken flavored Stuffing Mix
1 cup water
Mix everything together, arrange it into a loaf pan,
and bake at 350 for about 45 minutes.
If My House Had
A Front Porch

NOTE: Many of you are beginning to ask about our front porch
that we are having built at our home. Please know that none of
these pictures I include in my Dose are my home. I will feature
the process of our porch being built once we get further along. I have
taken pictures daily of the progress and it is fun to see how much
different the front of our home looks! I ask you be patient. Roofing
got delayed in being delivered and this Ohio weather is not
cooperating for outdoor jobs believe me, so we have had to work
around a few things. It happens, but one day it will be finished,
complete with our new rockers, hanging baskets, freshly
landscaped, electrical and spouting will be done!
Stay tuned! :-)
Daily Scripture

As always -- thank you for joining me again today.
I am getting new members almost daily so I know
you all are sharing my pages and I thank you very
much!! Till tomorrow, I wish you a beautiful day.
And now till another time, be safe in
all you do. Be aware of everything and
everyone around you at all times. A
very good habit .... take care!

locations of visitors!
WOW - look at all of you!