I give up whining. It's such a waste of time.
What I find as a problem others see
as insignificant little
challenges compared to their own. They may be
There's always someone worse off than me.
Whining doesn't make it better.
I give up on losing. I'm not a loser and never have been.
I may not win all the time, but when I don't,
I don't fail. I just discover something new.
I give up on being broke. I mean, I don't worship money,
but I'm sick and tired of just getting by. Or robbing one
dream to pay for another. Or putting off the electric
company so that the phone company doesn't shut me down.
I want more
money. So I need a plan. Not a plan for
wealth but a plan for being more fiscally responsible.

Some things these people find in abandoned houses have such a profound
effect on
me like old wheelchairs. I think so because they sorta remind me of how short and
precious life really is, and how every day is a day to be most thankful for.

The below information was included along with this picture above
and I found the information quite interesting. Do read.
In 1834, Walter Hunt built America's first (somewhat) successful sewing machine. He
later lost interest in patenting because he believed his invention would cause
unemployment. (Hunt's machine could only sew straight steams.) Hunt never
patented and in 1846, the first American
patent was issued to Elias Howe for "a
process that used thread from two different sources."
Elias Howe's machine had a needle with an eye at the point. The needle was pushed
through the cloth and created a loop on the other side; a shuttle on a track then
slipped the second thread through the loop, creating what is called the lockstitch.
However, Elias Howe later encountered problems defending his patent and
marketing his invention.

Homemade Cheese-Its

Well, this week is certainly flying by! Join
me tomorrow as I welcome in the
weekend and here is wishing every single
one of you reading this a wonderful day.
And now till another time, be safe in
all you do. Be aware of everything and
everyone around you at all times. A
very good habit .... take care!

locations of visitors!
WOW - look at all of you!