Here you will always find the American flag
waving and the American eagle flying.

Choosing to live a happy life is not only our greatest gift to ourselves,
it is also the greatest gift we can give to those around us.
When we are happy, we radiate happiness, and that is infectious.
Consider giving the gift of happiness to yourself as being
your gift to all humanity.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Today is your day to paint life in bold colors,
set today's rhythm with your heart-drum,
walk today's march with courage,
create today as your celebration of life.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Live boldly. Laugh Loudly. Love Truly.
Play as often as you can
Work as smart as you are able.
Share your heart as deeply as you can reach.
- Mary Anne Radmacher

One would have to wonder how this wheel
chair ended up in a field? It possibly is not
too far from a home or hospital and it appears
the vandals have already used their black
spray paint to let people know they were here.

The shoe strings must have been
worth saving?

I would have never thought of hanging
a chair like this. I like it.

And anything with chocolate chips
has got to be delicious. Don't forget
the coffee.

Oh my!! I could take them all, but "if" I had
to pick one of these cuties, I would have to
go with the calico on the left. Jut look at
those faces.

You took the time, thank you!

What a wonderful feelingthis can be!

You will be listening to mostly
Christmas music this month.
I might include a misc song
now and then.
Another week has gone by. Hoping you enjoy
the weekend and celebrate life.
And now till another time, be safe in all you do. Be aware of everything andeveryone around you at all times. Avery good habit .... take care!

For those first time visitors - the below map shows the
locations of visitors!
WOW - look at all of you!