Here you will always find the American flag
waving and the American eagle flying.

Soon, very soon we will have a
brand new year ...

You can check back anytime using the menu at
the top of the page to visit other
months and pages.

Amazing how things were just left. This might be where
this chair and foot rest sat for years.

We don't realize probably just how lucky we are
to have the thick comfortable mattress's we have today.
I wonder if this room was always dreary looking?
Perhaps waiting on his owner to return?
With her best friend and the best place she
has found to meditate ....
One would wonder where he has been and
perhaps where he is going?
Cats, they are beautiful creatures.

Time for bed perhaps and taking her
kitty with her.
A time for purpose, a time for peace, a time
to ponder and think.
I would say these two have a special friendship.
Don't have a funnel handy?
A corner cut from an envelope and pierced
at the point makes a good funnel for filling
sale and pepper shakers.

Here's a great birthday cupcake idea for that
special one in the upcoming New Year!INGREDIENTS
1 box Betty Crocker Super Moist white cake mix
Fix according to cake mix directions.
2 containers of Betty Crocker Rich and Creamy white frosting
24-30 large marshmallows
Betty Crocker colored sugar or candy sprinkles
White or colored birthday candles
Oven/350 -- 325 for dark or nonstick pans
Take baked cake and cool cake mix as directed on box for
24 cupcakes. Frost cupcakes with frosting.
Spray blades of kitchen scissors with cooking spray.
Cut marshmallows crosswise into slices; sprinkle with
colored sugar. Arrange on cupcakes in flower shape.
Place candles in center of each flower.
Store loosely uncovered.

You took the time, thank you!

What a wonderful feelingthis can be!

WOW! 2014 is winding down. Join me tomorrow
as I bid her goodbye and welcome in a
brand new fresh year - 2015.
Have a wonderful day.
And now till another time, be safe in all you do. Be aware of everything andeveryone around you at all times. Avery good habit .... take care!

For those first time visitors - the below map shows the
locations of visitors!
WOW - look at all of you!