Enya - Love Song.mp3

Here you will always find the American flag
waving and the American eagle flying.
Home of the

The Count-down is on!

Looks like Santa is done for this year.

Looks like these folks have the table set and ready!

Either everyone is resting up from all the Christmas
fun or they are resting up for New Yrs Eve!

Such a pretty window sill, and the looks of a
pretty sunset or sunrise?

A old barn with a old saying

A neat old lantern that once lit the way.

and mean a lot. Please take the time to
read each one and make the animal site a
daily click. Thank you.


You took the time, thank you!


Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I did. A lot
of family and bunches of delicious food. It was all
good and it was nice to attend Christmas Eve service
with my Mother. The brand new year is coming up on
us fast here. I have made some changes and will
guide you thru them as I get everything finished.
Here is hoping you have a wonderful day!
Now, till another time, be safe in
all you do. Be aware of everything and
everyone around you at all times. A
very good habit .... take care!

Happy Trails to You

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For those first time visitors - the below map shows the
locations of visitors!
WOW - look at all of you!