Here you will always find the American flag
waving and the American eagle flying.

You can check back anytime using the menu at
the top of the page to visit other
months and pages.

~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~Be mindful that happiness is not based
on possessions, power, or
but on relationships with people
you love and respect.
~ Unknown

Everyone should carefully observe
which way his heart draws him,
and then choose that way with all his strength.
- Hasidic Proverb

All that is real is seen with the heart.
- Vivian Greene

Have the courage to follow your
heart and intuition - they somehow
already know what you truly want to become.
- Steve Jobs
Winter 2014 begins with the solstice on
Dec. 21st, at 6:03 P.M. EST.
This solstice is one of the two times each year when the Sun is at
its farthest
point from the equator and appears to stand still. The
word solstice is
derived from the Latin sol, or “Sun,” and stitium, or “stoppage.”
Read more about the first day of winter!
In the Northern Hemisphere, the solstice days are the days with the fewest
hours of sunlight in the whole year. See your local Sun rise and set times.
After the solstice, planet Jupiter starts rising by 8:30 P.M. and is nicely high
after 10:00 P.M.
Venus might be glimpsed low in the west at dusk by month’s
harbinger of its superb evening star apparition this coming spring.
Find more about the December night sky.
Source: The Old Farmer’s Almanac

I am sure in days past, this was a very comfortable
sitting area. The floor boards have even began to
bow and rise up .... 
Wow, such a small church, but quaint as can be.
In its day, there is no doubt in my mind it held
the old time Christian music and preachings.

Thought we might decorate a cookie today. Wow,
they make it look so easy.

What a neat Christmas eve this could be.
A neat front porch decorated just right.

Just love this collection of dishes and old
utensils. Very seasonal.
I just love this picture. How they ever got these beautiful
cats to lay in this basket with Christmas balls galore
is beyond me. So neat.

A picture perfect room all decorated
just right. Love the rounded window and of
course the kitty in the basket on the window ledge.

{{ Recipes will return tomorrow }}

You took the time, thank you!

What a wonderful feelingthis can be!

Enjoy the day. Hard to believe
Christmas is almost here!
And now till another time, be safe in all you do. Be aware of everything andeveryone around you at all times. Avery good habit .... take care!

For those first time visitors - the below map shows the
locations of visitors!
WOW - look at all of you!