Jingle Bells (Instrumental).mp3

Here you will always find the American flag
waving and the American eagle flying.

Home of the

Christmas songs, decorating and
celebration of the reason for the season.
So adjust those eyes and ears, I have
nothing but festive and beautiful
music for you to enjoy!

I just love everything on this porch. Lots to look at
and would make anyone ponder before wanting to
go inside to visit.

Just enough, not too much to make this
mailbox look festive.

Oh wow! Who would not want to receive
this beautiful arrangement?! Who says you
cannot take Spring flowers and put them in
a Christmas or Winter arrangement.

Too cute. This filled with Peppermint tea
would delight most anyone for sure.

I love the dish that this delightful snowman is on.
Goes perfect. How cute. And I think the only two
things that one would not eat - is the round wreath
atop his or her head and the scarf? Perhaps everything
is made to order and can be eaten. Interesting fellow!

Just love the animation in this picture. It does look
like Winter out the window and the snow is
glistening. Those birds are busy and the pedals
falling from the flowers hanging. But of course the
favorite part is the pretty kitty playing.

Love this maroon-color. Such a neat setting.

A bit of chocolate fix today. Someone took their
time making those trees and letting them set up
and then putting them on this cake. Neat!

Table runners. Just love them. And another very
simple decoration with the Christmas balls.

Plaids always catch my eye. Burlap too. I love
these and would be simple to make with the
right supplies. Very country.

~ A Poem By Virginia~
The Shepherds
The Shepherds heard the Heavenly
and, one and all, shook with
...who were these Unearthly
bursting into their lives That
Were they come to bring
or were they messengers from
Were the songs they were
actually Words telling of God’s
But, with Words of calm
that there was no need for
The Messengers proclaimed the Good
these men had awaited many a
The Shepherds then hurried to
to check out what they had been
...and...true to the Angels
they found there The Babe promised
of old!
Yes, they found Him in the
... just as the Messengers had
Not in a room at the
but lying in a manger
The Shepherds knelt there before the
with awe upon each
as they look upon The Precious
Who’d come to save the human
Thus begins the Gospel
of how Jesus came to redeem
...how He came to fulfill the
that was given from the beginning of
Now we each must make the
...accept His sacrifice or reject
and...by our choice...there
is no middle road...
we’ll either be saved, or we will be
Virginia Archer
~ A Painting By Virginia~
~ A Painting By Virginia~

and mean a lot. Please take the time to
read each one and make the animal site a
daily click. Thank you.


You took the time, thank you!


Have a great day and a really cool
weekend filled with happiness.
Now, till another time, be safe in
all you do. Be aware of everything and
everyone around you at all times. A
very good habit .... take care!

Happy Trails to You

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For those first time visitors - the below map shows the
locations of visitors!
WOW - look at all of you!