Any time is a good time for Susan's Daily Dose!

Here you will always find the American flag
waving and the American eagle flying.

Home of the

Hop aboard and enjoy!
Christmas songs, decorating and
celebration of the reason for the season.
So adjust those eyes and ears, I have
nothing but festive and beautiful
music for you to enjoy!

Hard to believe it's December 1st already!
Christmas is almost here!

The 12th month of the year is an outstanding one
December is the last month in the Gregorian calendar. Its name is based
the Latin term for ten. In the Roman calendar, December was the tenth month
until the addition of January and February at the beginning of the year. In the
Northern Hemisphere December has the shortest daylight hours and marks the
beginning of winter. December provides the longest days in Southern
Hemisphere, as it is the beginning of summer. December is a month home to
many religious holidays.The birthstone of December is turquoise.
The birth flower of December is the narcissus.

A old fashioned decorating look here.
Love it.

Candy canes always add to any arrangement.

Very festive.

Fresh snow on a beautiful walk-way.

A well taken care of building. Love the barn doors
and the windows trimmed in white.

A bit of a chocolate fix today.

A bit on the unusual side as far as Christmas
stockings, but they look very neat and country.

and mean a lot. Please take the time to
read each one and make the animal site a
daily click. Thank you.

You took the time, thank you!

Welcome to December. Still can't believe it is upon
us and that the year is really winding down. Again,
I don't know where the days and months go!
Here is wishing you a good first day of December.
Now, till another time, be safe in
all you do. Be aware of everything and
everyone around you at all times. A
very good habit .... take care!

Happy Trails to You

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For those first time visitors - the below map shows the
locations of visitors!
WOW - look at all of you! If you put your mouse
over the hearts, it gives you the location.