The Addams Family Theme Song.mp3


Can you imagine using this type of buggy

these days. The strollers and such certainly

have come a long way. Can't believe the

pictures left behind and I think that is

a toy duck to the left sitting on a box

or something .....

One would wonder why a bus was left

abandoned out in the middle of

no where it would appear. And if you

will notice, the destination in the

sign above the window states "no where."

I used to have a lot of fun bobbing for

apples at some Halloween parties I

attended. Not sure very many do this

anymore today?


Cute! There is even one ghost with

a fireman's hat at the bottom right

of the picture.

I will have to remember the shape of

this pumpkins eyes. I usually stick to the

popular triangle shape. Looks neat.

One house I would skip for

trick and treating!!!

She's cute and blowing bubbles.

will return on Monday.

"Thank you"

You took the time, thank you!

What a wonderful feeling

this can be!

Here is hoping everyone has a fun

day. If you acknowledge Halloween,

have a good one! Our Trick or Treat

was last night. Some really cute

goblins .... join me Monday as I

welcome in the month of November and

begin decorating for Thanksgiving.

Remember to turn your clocks back

this weekend. Be safe!

And now till another time, be safe in

all you do. Be aware of everything and

everyone around you at all times. A

very good habit .... take care!


For those first time visitors - the below map shows the

locations of visitors!

WOW - look at all of you!