Here you will always find the American flag
waving and the American eagle flying.

Still looking for those ghosts!

It's Halloween weekend!

I recently had a friend who found some really nifty mailboxes.
Would love to share. Hope you will enjoy this new addition
to my Daily Dose. "Thank you."

Waiting for those NO
trick just treat-eeers!!!

Just love this scene of old whiskey barrels, pumpkins,
white ones too, corn stalks, and leaves too.
Don't forget about that spooky tree,
and a bucket probably filled with spiders and stuff.
But most of all that Halloween pumpkin and a candle to glow.

Here is one to surely make you run!

What a neat bed setting. The poka-dots and
squares too. The pillow is even Halloween,
and a stuffed ghost too.

Nothing scary about these cuties!!

And this surely is the good little witch. Just look
at that nose and pig-tails too!
A very Halloween scene here!

What would Halloween be with no candy corn?

I hope you all have enjoyed my Halloween and Fall
things. I will continue with Fall decorating a little
while longer as the leaves continue to fall and be
racked up here for Winter to make its scene. My
thoughts will turn to November now with the very
thankful season to think Thanksgiving & turkey!

If you are attending a Halloween party, I sure hope
you bob for apples. One of my favorite things to do
at a Halloween party!

All of the below items are of great interest to me
and mean a lot. Please take the time to
read each one and make the animal site a
daily click. Thank you.
When the link comes up,
just send the email that pops up.
That's all you have to do.

You took the time, thank you!

Me, ha, ha! And I have Casper,
he is that friendly ghost!
Have a really wonderful day and a fun
and safe weekend. Again, "happy Halloween!"
Now, till another time, be safe in all you do. Be aware of everything andeveryone around you at all times. Avery good habit .... take care!

Happy Trails to You

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For those first time visitors - the below map shows the
locations of visitors!
WOW - look at all of you! If you put your mouse
over the hearts, it gives you the location.