Here you will always find the American flag
waving and the American eagle flying.

What a wonderful feelingthis can be!

Just love this stone basket
And wow, what a really, really neat bike basket!!

Kinda gloomy, interesting sky above these
buildings. Wonder what each were used for?

And this is surely a neat picture. Everything lovable.
The black-eyed Susan's in the basket, and neat
green bike complete with cool shoes.

Now why do you suppose he has this look on his
face? I am thinking I would have a scared look on
my face for breaking a dish! And the poor puppy,
he/she is probably trying to figure out what
is going to happen next.

Taking a break from the chocolate fix to the
"oh - my" fix! Yum!

A sure part of my Daily Dose for cuteness here!

Overload on cuteness here.

How neat and creative. Looks like carving
boards with neatly made pockets.

When the link comes up,
just send the email that pops up

You took the time, thank you!

Wow, once again, where has the week
gone? I sure did have a lot of positive
comments on the music yesterday by Floyd
Cramer. So, I will be sharing more of him on
my pages as I do have quite a few of his
songs. Hope you will enjoy.
Join me tomorrow as I welcome
in another weekend, and with Summer
and Father's Day, both on Sunday,
June 21st ....
Now, till another time, be safe in all you do. Be aware of everything andeveryone around you at all times. Avery good habit .... take care!

For those first time visitors - the below map shows the
locations of visitors!
WOW - look at all of you!